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About Red Seal Services of Eikando (Shuin)

As part of our measures to prevent Covid-19 spread, we had been offering red seals in the form of pre-writtern paper, but we have resumed to write a red seal on a red seal books.

[Info] What is Shuin?
In the olden days, people wrote sutras and handed them to temples. The temples issue a red seal as a proof of receiving them. This red seal is a origin of Shuin. Even today, the red seal book is also called a sutra book, and it is common to receive an calligrapic signature and red stamps from a temple or a shrine. Shuin is proof of religious faith.
Some visitors to temples and shrines may think of it as a commemorative stamp that can be given at tourist sites, but it is important to understand the meaning of Shuin.

January 1, 2025
Eikando Zenrin-ji

Request to bring a shoe bag

In order to reduce plastic waste, it is necessary to reduce the use of plastic bags. At Eikando, we also handed out plastic bags as shoe bags, but we will stop the distribution of a plastic bag in stages over one year from July 1, 2020. In the future, we would like to request visitors of Eikando to bring their own shoe bag. We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

January 1, 2025
Eikando Zenrin-ji

Beware of spoofed e-mails by the sender's name of Eikando !

Junk e-mails have been still distributed under the spoofed IP-address of Eikando.
xxxx@eikando.or.jp is the sender's address of those junk mails. The characters of xxxx are changed from time to time. We never send e-mails except for a reply for your inqliry.
Those spoofed mails may be in danger of a virus. When you receive an unexpected mail under the sender's address mentioned above, please deleted it without opening.

January 1, 2025
Eikando Zenrin-ji