秋 Autumn has come.
阿弥陀堂 Amida-do temple
鶴寿台と多宝塔 Taho-to pagoda
智福院 Chifuku-in temple
境内 Precincts
極楽橋 Gokuraku-bashi bridge
境内の石灯籠 A stone lantern in the precincts
放生池 Hojo-ike pond
放生池 Hojo-ike pond
放生池 Hojo-ike pond
多宝塔遠景 A distant view of Taho-to pagoda
放生池のコムラサキ Purple beautyberry(Callicarpa dichotoma)
雪景色(Eikando in snow)
永観堂の秋 (Autumn)
ライトアップ(Maples in the night)
永観堂の四季(Four Seasons at Eikando)